Sars-CoV-2 virus particles which cause Covid-19 under a microscope

Covid Delta variant is ‘in the air you breathe’: what you need to know about Sydney outbreak strain

Delta strain is significantly more infectious but it spreads the same way as the original virus – including by ‘fleeting’ encounters and respiratory aerosols READ MORE

Lagging vaccine rollout, quarantine breaches threaten COVID-19 control in major Australian cities

Professor Raina MacIntyre, biosecurity expert from the University of New South Wales told Xinhua that the latest outbreaks in the most populous cities of Australia are a part of a… more
Elderly person receiving vaccine

Surviving aged care in a pandemic

MacIntyre says there are two main problems. One is the lack of transparency around vaccination rates in the aged care and disability sectors, making it unclear where the gaps are… more
Aged care worker in the right masks

OPINION At last, health, aged care and quarantine workers get the right masks to protect against airborne coronavirus

Health workers have long called for better protections against COVID-19. Well fitting masks are now required when caring for COVID-19 patients. But the guidelines on ventilation… more
Child getting vaccine

Opinion: Children must be vaccinated against COVID-19

Professor MacIntyre, Dr. Andrew Miller, the President of the Australian Medical Association's WA Branch, and Dr. Julie McEniery, Chair of the Queensland Pediatric Quality Council… more
Flushing toilet

Experts say flushing toilet could spread coronavirus..

Experts say flushing toilet could spread coronavirus through faecal aerosols. Health officials have long monitored wastewater and sewage as a way to track where the virus may be… more

Mission statement

To reduce the immunisation gap between adults and children through research, teaching and advocacy, with a special focus on the elderly, high risk and vulnerable populations.

Contact Us

Professor Raina MacIntyre

Raina MacIntyre

NHMRC Principal Research Fellow and Professor of Global Biosecurity.

+61 2 93850920

Dr Elizabeth Kpozehouen

Dr Elizabeth Kpozehouen

Research Associate

02 9385 0082