Central Station Sydney during Covid-19 lockdown.
Date published:

While NSW is still trying to contain COVID cases, the Prime Minister last week outlined a four stage pathway out of the pandemic but with no timeline or clear goals yet.

Singapore is already somewhere between stages 2 and 3 in what our plan hopes to achieve by next year. They've announced a new strategy to live with the virus but it requires a layered public health response and - most importantly, continuing their high vaccination rates.

Guest: Professor Raina MacIntyre, Head of the biosecurity program, University of New South Wales

Host: Dr Norman Swan, ABC HEAR the speakers

Mission statement

To reduce the immunisation gap between adults and children through research, teaching and advocacy, with a special focus on the elderly, high risk and vulnerable populations.

Contact Us

Professor Raina MacIntyre

Raina MacIntyre

NHMRC Principal Research Fellow and Professor of Global Biosecurity.

+61 2 93850920


Dr Elizabeth Kpozehouen

Dr Elizabeth Kpozehouen

Research Associate

02 9385 0082
