Photo covid vaccination
Date published:

Australia and New Zealand have achieved very good control of community spread of SARS-CoV-2 during the global pandemic due to highly effective public health interventions.1, 2 As of 20 January 2021, Australia had recorded 22 201 local cases with 909 total fatalities3 and New Zealand had reported 1044 local cases with 25 fatalities.4 The availability of effective vaccines offers an opportunity to consolidate this successful control and requires consideration of their application to key vulnerable populations, including those with haematological disorders.


Mission statement

To reduce the immunisation gap between adults and children through research, teaching and advocacy, with a special focus on the elderly, high risk and vulnerable populations.

Contact Us

Professor Raina MacIntyre

Raina MacIntyre

NHMRC Principal Research Fellow and Professor of Global Biosecurity.

+61 2 93850920

Dr Elizabeth Kpozehouen

Dr Elizabeth Kpozehouen

Research Associate

02 9385 0082