Aboriginal child
Date published:


In 2017, the CDC Conference has been convened by the Communicable Diseases Network Australia, the Public Health Laboratory Network and the Public Health Association of Australia. The Conference theme was ‘Infectious Diseases: a global challenge’, the theme will allow consideration of the threats to health security from old and new infectious agents, and the increasing threat of antimicrobial resistance. In particular, the conference examined how the interconnected world facilitates spread of infection.  VIRL member Prof Raina MacIntyre gave a keynote speech at the Closing Plenary Session “Research Priorities in Communicable Disease Control”

Other presentations by members of VIRL

The value of data linkage for evaluating Australia’s childhood immunisation program Speaker: Heather Gidding

Influenza vaccination coverage in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults Speaker: Surendra Karki

Seasonal influenza is associated with overcrowding in New South Wales Emergency Departments Speaker: David Muscatello

Impact of SMS and calendar reminders of infant immunisation timelines in Australia Speaker: Rob Menzies

Influenza A H5N1 and H7N9 in China: A Spatial Risk Analysis Speaker: Chau Bui

Mission statement

To reduce the immunisation gap between adults and children through research, teaching and advocacy, with a special focus on the elderly, high risk and vulnerable populations.

Contact Us

Professor Raina MacIntyre

Raina MacIntyre

NHMRC Principal Research Fellow and Professor of Global Biosecurity.

+61 2 93850920


Dr Elizabeth Kpozehouen

Dr Elizabeth Kpozehouen

Research Associate

02 9385 0082
